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Kerio MailServer

Rent-A-Geek is proud to be a partner with Kerio, makers of Kerio MailServer. Kerio MailServer 6 is an email server designed primarily for small and medium-sized businesses. Its critical components - embedded McAfee Anti-Virus, integrated SpamEliminator, Kerio Outlook Connector, Entourage integration and enhanced Kerio WebMail - deliver secure messaging and collaboration for corporate email users. In addition to secure email, KMS features shared calendars, contacts and tasks. Users can be defined internally or managed through Microsoft Active Directory or Apple Open Directory. Included Kerio Exchange Migration Tool imports all user data from Microsoft Exchange to Kerio MailServer. KMS runs on Windows, Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux, and Mac OS X.

Kerio MailServer is the perfect alternative to an expensive Microsoft Exchange groupware solution. Call or email us today to learn more about this exciting product!

Contact Us!
Rent-A-Geek, LLC
3 Shaws Mill Rd
Gorham, ME 04038

V (207) 632-4773